Dental Sealants Near You
Dental sealants protect against tooth decay in children and adolescents. These thin plastic coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth or molars. The molars have pits and grooves in them, these irregular surfaces often trap food and bacterial debris. Sealants coat the pits and grooves preventing bacteria from multiplying and causing decay.
Sealants are most beneficial for the first and second molars as soon as they have erupted and before they have had time to decay. Generally, the first molars come in around the age of six and the second molars appear around the age of twelve. Teeth that have matured are less prone to decay. Child and teenage patients between the ages of five and fourteen benefit the most from dental sealants near you.

The Dental Sealant Procedure
During an examination, our dentist can determine which teeth can be sealed. The application of dental sealants is simple. First, our dentist in Carrollwood will clean the teeth and a mild acidic solution is applied to roughen the surface of them for the sealant to properly bond. Once the teeth are prepared, they will paint the sealant on the teeth and within one minute it will harden. Once the teeth are sealed, bacteria can no longer reach the pits and grooves of the teeth and result in tooth decay. Note, the process will not require drilling or removing the tooth surface.

Dental sealants will not change your bite as they are very thin and only fill the pits and grooves. On average, dental sealants last for five years or longer. Patients with dental sealants should visit our dentist regularly to have their sealants checked and possibly reapplied if they have worn off.
Sealants are an important aspect of a child’s total preventive dental care. Interested in dental sealants near you? Playa Family Dentistry offers dental sealants in Carrollwood, FL 33614.